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Saint of Black Kite Manga cover

Saint of Black Kite

  • 黒鳶の聖者~追放された回復術士は、有り余る魔力で闇魔法を極める~, Saint of Black Kite, Saint of Black Kite: The Banished Healer Masters Dark Magic With Abundant Magical Power.
  • Authors: Mugi Sawai, MasamiT
  • Genres: Fantasy
Read Saint of Black Kite full chapter on ReadToon. Russel is a Saint who was an expert in recovery magic. he was in a group with his childhood friends until the rest of the members learned recovery magic. Branded unnecessary and expelled from his group of friends, he meets a mysterious beauty named Sybilla. His infinite magical potential, combined with her guidance now allow him to reach heights once deemed impossible!. Russel was a saint who was an expert in recovery magic. He was in a group with his childhood friends until the rest of the members learned recovery magic. Branded unnecessary and expelled from his group of friends, he meets a mysterious beauty named Sybilla. His infinite magical potential, combined with her guidance, now allow him to reach heights once deemed impossible! (Source: Overlap, translated). Wish you have a pleasant reading experience at ReadToon
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